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Hi my blogger friends!!!  How are you doing?  This is my second post today, you can see the first one at the end of this post.  I'm off  from "Blog land" these days. I couldn't visit some of my friend's blogs.  The hurricane Irene swept our island last Sunday and I was without power service until yesterday.  A lot of people continue without basic services here, the worst part of the hurricane was the rains and the floods, many people lost everything but we're fine.
I'm going to show you two of my last works for The Color Combo Galore.  This first one is for the CCG-205, I really love this color combo and the Designer challenge, when I saw the inspirational photo I remembered that I got this photo from July,25 ...and this was my inspiration.....

Hola mis amigas blogeras!!  Como han estado?  Yo estoy bien desconectada de "Blod land" estos días.  No he podido visitar los blogs de mis amigas.   El huracán Irene visito nuestra isla el pasado domingo y estuve sin servicio de electricidad hasta el otro día.  Todavía hay mucha gente aquí sin los servicios básicos, la peor parte del huracán fueron las lluvias e inundaciones muchas personas perdieron sus pertenencias pero estamos bien GAD.
Les voy a ensenar dos de mis últimos trabajos para Color Combo Galore.
Esta primera pagina es para CCG205, realmente me encanto estos colores y el reto del diseñador, cuando vi la foto de inspiración me recordé de esta foto que tomaron el pasado 25 de Julio...y así me inspire.....
For the Designer challenge you should use a mesh or woven material so I made my mesh with cardstock and patttern paper.  I added  the teal color with paint and with the rub-ons. I painted the dressform that is from Maya road and my sweet friend Mary gave it to me. 
My cousin took me this picture in our Family Day last July 25.  The flowers are from Prima.
Details of the tittle.

This is my page for CCG 204 and I love the inspirational photos bring me peace, calm and makes me feel relax.   I looked these photos from my anniversary trip that are perfect for this challenge.  For the Designer challenge you should made a grid design, well I made it  with my photos.
I love the deck in the inspirational photo so I used a corrugated for my background that I painted in brown color.

I got the corals, shells, sea glass  and rocks from the beach.  The starfish are from BoBunny papers.  I liked to give the look of sea grass so I cut some cardstock strips.  Rub-ons and the tittle are from K & Company.

More details......

Well girls, thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comments!!
Until next time!  Take Care!!!
Hugs and Love!!!


  1. Gorgeous work Marilyn, especially love the decking one, where you used the corrugated card, so clever. How awful to lose power, glad your back, you know I adore your style. Love the music LOL, take care and have a fantastic weekend, Doreen x

  2. Estan hermosas las dos. Los colores y la foto de la primera me encantan. Me gusto mucho como el detalle entrelazado detras de la foto. La segunda tiene tantos detalles bellos y diferentes. Lo mas que me gusta es efecto del papel corrugado y los caracoles. Un abrazo

  3. que hermosas las páginas!!!! Ambas combinaciones de colores están bellas, las estrellas de mar me fascinaron y el detalle del entrelazado se ve bien lindo.


  4. Estan hermosas las paginas!! me encanto tu estilo!! y que suerte de tener una playa donde encuentres caracoles!!

  5. Un botate como siempre, hermosas amiguita. La del sombrero fabulosa me gusto la combinacion de colores, se ve bien girlie y la de los caracoles me mató y en vivo se ve más hermosa. Welcome back!

  6. WoW!!! que preciosos LO's, me fascinan los colores y que detalles ( me quede embelesa mirando tantos detallitos)especialmente el de la estrella de mar con el arbolito( no se como se llama)Un abrazo amiguita y gracias por compartir tu arte. Zulma

  7. Valgame...estas paginas estan preciosas. Tu estilo se esta tornando completamente concretas. Me encantaron, los caracoles, entrelazar el papel...wao!!!!simplemente hermosas.

  8. You do love hats, don't you? Love the woven papers in the top layout and the corrugated cardboard in the lower. Great photos too! Have a great weekend Marilyn!

  9. Wow Marilyn!! Estan hermosos!!! Del 1ero me encantan los colores, tu foto!!! Quedastes bella y muy fashion!!!lol como diria mi hija!! el "weaving" rojo al fondo....Bello!!! Del 2ndo, los detalles playeros!! el corrugado, la foto!!! TODO!! Espectaculares!!!

  10. Hi Marilyn...finaly some scraps of work you made again.Hope you are ok...
    wish you a lovely weekend byeeee,Lean

  11. Please check my blog. I have an award for you! I'm glad I revisited this post. . . I'm about to finish a piece of corrugated cardboard! Thanks again for the prize!

  12. So cool my friend. You made me remember a LO I made a few years ago and I created a heart with strips of paper just like your mesh... but of course your artistic touch is at another level in the Universe... I hope you can continue creating such great work and sharing with us for great inspiration. Take care...

  13. Ahhh... and I forgot to mention... I do love hats too... but I don't know if it's cultural, but don't really wear them in this Tropical land of ours... but I love the looks... :)

  14. Firstly Marilyn I am so sorry about your times there & pray for you & your family that you are all kept safe & out of harm's way. Thank the Lord for sparing you & your property. What a disaster just to be without power for your sewing business! What beautiful layouts these are...they are both so stunning & perfect for the combos!

  15. que hermosos los 2 LO's!! tengo una curiosidad: donde tu guardas estas paginas? pues son bien "gorditas" con todos los detalles que les pones...

  16. Ya hacía rato que no veía lindos trabajos tuyos y de nuevo me deleito con tus trabajos.


  17. Que LOs tan espectaculares!!!! Yo quiero ser como tu cuando sea grande... Dios mío que talento!!!

  18. Helen puts my thought into words, cannot even begin to imagine what it must have been like for you all, most of all for you who are totally dependent on electricity for your business. So hoping everything is picking up. As I wrote over at CCG, both these pages are just stunning with fantastic texture and gorgeous details. Just the way I have come to expect from La Marilyn herself! you look like a beautiful film star in your big floppy hat :))absolutely beautiful beautiful details. Mwah mwah! E


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