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This week the Color Combo Galore presents a monochromatic palette so this was a real challenge for me, if you followed my blog you know that I love colors, yes, bright colors but I tried it and I had a lot of fun!!
In addition to the color combo is the designer's challenge as inspired by the photo. You should use wood, a tittle in capital letters, a striped element, a transparency and create the effect of a ledge.  And this was my inspiration.....

I made this page about my hubby, I think this color combo is perfect for masculine pages.   I used wood in Kaiser Craft's Wooden Flourishes that I painted with gray and black colors.   I made ,or tried to make, the ledge with the  corrugated band that is my striped element, the transparency is for Maya Road and my tittle with caps...all done!!

More details.....

If you like to see more examples go to  Color Combo Galore and see what beauties the Design Team made, we would like to see what you can do!!!
Well girls thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comments, I love read It!
Take Care!!!
Hugs and Love,


  1. This is so nice! Lovely design! Bet your DH loves this!

  2. This looks fabulous. Great pics and just love your assortment of papers and embellishments. Great work.

  3. beautiful page you have made lovely pictures the colors are perfect for a hubby page.

  4. Hey friend wow what very stunning and such wonderful details Love it

    big hugs carla

  5. Muy bella y masculina tu página, los tonos monocromáticos se ven elegantes.

    Gracias por compartir.

  6. Dios santo que cosa mas bella!!!!

  7. Precioso como siempre! Otro sueno hecho realidad.

  8. This layout is so intricate and gorgeous! I love so many of the techniques you used like crumpling the paper first, and stitching the interwoven lines. You could have used this for the Salt and Pepper Challenge too at ScrapFIT.

  9. Thank you again Marilyn for the lovely comment on my Mother's album. I made the brick wall mask on one of the new papers tonight with modeling paste. Thank you for the prize!

  10. Hay Marylin!! Como me encantan tus paginas. Bellas bellas.

  11. He really is a handsome man your husband! I remember a layout that you made with a pic taken on your honeymoon, your hubby had wild curly hair and also I think, a rather noticeable moustache ;)) Even if I like mild and subtle palettes, monochromatic ones are really very challenging. I think you did incredibly well! wonderful strong and masculine page, I especially like the different textures (wrinkles paper around the photos?). xoxoxxo

  12. This is a masterpiece - you are doing so well on the CCG team - your layouts are pure awesomeness & your colour matching is spot on!!


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