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Hi!!! My blogger friends...I've been missing in on the action I know it  but life goes a little complicated sometimes.  I  still have problems with my stomach...hmmm!  and this situation drains my energy I feel very tired but the good news is I finished all the wedding dresses, yesss!!!so I'm going to be more crafty for the next weeks .
I'm going to show you two pages that I made and I didn't have time to post them before, the first one is for the Color Combo Galore #202 and the second one is for Scrapfit workout.
I love this color combo!! and I made this page about my niece Sabrina and her talking style, she talks like an older person very mature for her age I love to see her when she's talking because she even talks with her arms.

Hola!!!  Mis amigas blogeras...He estado perdida en accion, lo se pero a veces la vida se nos complica un poco.  Sigo enferma del estomago hmmmm! y esta situacion me tiene sin energias y cansada todo el tiempo pero lo bueno es que ya termine todos los trajes de boda que tenia y ahora puedo escrapear mas en las proximas semanas.
Les voy a monstrar dos paginas que habia hecho y no habia podido ponerlas en el blog antes,  la primera es para Color Combo Galore #202 y la segunda es para Scrapfit workout.
Me encanta esta paleta de colores #202 y hice esta pagina sobre mi sobrina Sabrina y su estilo al hablar, ella habla como una persona adulta es madura para su edad y me encanta mirarla mientras esta hablando si la vieran ella habla hasta con sus manos.
More details.....
I used Crate papers, Basic Grey and Pink Paislee papers.  Also American Craft card stock. 
I made these roses, you can see  the tutorial that the talented Gabrielle Pollacco prepared  HERE.

I made this page for Scrapfit- "Put a Banner on it"- workout #49. and  I gave this page to my special friend Edna in her Birthday party that was a crop.   We had a great time making what we most love "scrapbooking" all day!!  And for this workout you need to put a banner on your page.  I used the banner like embellishment but you can use it for the tittle, etc... go to Scrapfit for to see what the Design Team did......HERE

Hice esta pagina para Scrapfit- "Put a Banner on it"-workout #49 y le regale esta pagina a una amiguita especial...Edna en su cumpleaños que fue un crop y la pasamos divino haciendo lo que mas nos gusta "scrapbooking" todo el dia!! Y para este "workout" tienes que poner unos banderines en tu pagina.  Mis banderines los use como adorno pero tu lo puedes usar para el titulo, etc.... ve a Scrapfit para que veas lo que hizo el equipo de diseno....AQUI
This is my sweet friend Edna.
Handmade flowers
I used acrylic paint and a stamp.

And the winner of the $20 Gift Card in the Blog Hop is........
#42 that is.....
Contact me to send you your prize!!!!!

True Random Number Generator  42
PowerWell my friends thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments, I really love to read them!Take  Care!  Love, Marilyn  


  1. I love the "Mmm" layout (she looks like you) and the ribbon weaving on the friend layout.

  2. Bellos, bellos, bellos! A la verdad que tienes un estilo único, me encantaron los colores.

  3. Today is a special day for someone very special: YOU!!! God gave a gift to the world when you were born; a person who loves and cares, who encourages and lifts people up & who spends energy on others rather than herself. The love you have shown to others will return to you multiplied! so here's buckets of love and wishes for a fantastic day - HAPPY BIRTHDAY darling!!
    Life certainly has a way of taking unexpected twists and turns, haven't been able to play at CCG for quite some time. Absoloutely wonderful Sabrina page! priceless photo of her!Gorgeous branch with roses, rose buds and pearls, just gorgeous! Totally adore the Edna page too! love the Authentique papers, haven't dared to cut into mine yet ;)) The black tulle threaded around the frame of the pic loos delicisiou, and the cut-out and hand-made roses are just divine. Cute banner too! Wondering about the pink dots around Edna, are they rub-ons?! look so pretty. Both pages are just so lusciously stunning Marilyn!! Have an absolutely wonderful day with your near and dear ones, hope they are giving you a lavish pampering all day long! xoxoxoxox your pal

  4. Both these layouts are absolutely stunning! Beautiful design, love your use of paint and stamping...and your handmade flowers are incredible!

    Wishing you improved health going forward..
    Have a wonderful weekend... :)

  5. beautiful work again and also again happy birthday...

  6. Hola mi querida amiga FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!!!!! espero que se te pasen tus problemas de estómago luego!!!
    Las dos páginas son maravillosas!!!

  7. Marilyn... Your work is always so beautiful. You are such a great artist. Would love to see the wedding dresses!!!! And I hope you feel better. Take care of your health so you can continue creating and growing as you've done so far. Saludos amiguita.

  8. Que pena saber que no te estás sintiendo bien, te tengo en mis oraciones para que su salud se re establezca. Tus páginas están fabulosas ambas combinaciones de colores están bellas. La de Edna me encantó los puntitos del background, he notado mucho esta tendencia y le he usado también. Hermoso tu trabajo gracias por ser una gran inspiración.

  9. Happy Birthday too you!!! to you to you!!! Muchas Bendiciones de parte del Senor!! Mucha pero mucha salud, lo demas viene por el ladito!!!lol Los LO estan hermosos!! en el primero la combinacion de colores me mata mas!! y la FOTO!!! Que hermosa!!!! bella la foto me encanta!!! Gracias! Muaskis!!

  10. I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday my friend with your near and dear ones!! We are celebrating a big birthday here for my husband on next Saturday.Some of our best friends will come to celebrate with us!
    I love BOTH your pages, sweetie, and they are gorgeous in their own ways. The Sabrina page is so light and lovely with the pretty picture and the lovely branches with flowers. She is such a pretty girl your little niece.
    The Edna page has a more grown up feel to it and I love the way you used the banner as a decoration.And the stitches are so wonderfully neat, but I guess you had some practise....?
    Simply gorgeous as always,Marilyn!!

  11. Hey dear friend I am happy to see your beautiful work again I hope al is well with you hon i missed your really .
    is was a pleasure to came on your blog and you did very stunning work please

    big hugs carla
    and take care!!

  12. Hermosas las dos. Las flores te quedaron espectaculares y la combinación de colores me gusta mucho. La foto de la primera pagina esta hermosa. La segunda es mi preferida. Por que sera? Amiguita gracias por tan hermoso detalle. En Vivo se ve mucho mejor. Tiene tantos detalles y ademas mis colores favoritos. Los puntitos rosas aunque parecen stamps son pintados por Marilyn. Dios bendiga ese don que tienes y permita que lo sigas compartiendo con nosotras. Sabes que te quiero mucho y eres bien especial para mi. Cuídate mucho para que te pongas bien pronto. Un abrazo.

  13. Hermosas paginas!! Me encantan los colores. Un abrazo

  14. Que puedo decirte Marlyn? como decía un amigo mio..."lo que se puede ver no se tiene que explicar". Las dos combinaciones de colores son bellas y no puedo escoger por que ambas me gustan mucho. Las rosas lucen fantásticas, y que mas? solo que son trabajos geniales, como siempre!!!!

  15. Thank you so much for all the incredibly sweet and kind comments on my blog. I really appreciate it.

    Have an amazing weekend and take care!

  16. Two gorgeous layouts from you Marilyn! I am so sorry to hear that you are having some health issues that are debilitating you & also that you are run off of your feet still with all the sewing. Seems like you are such a hard working woman my dear! I love your work & am so glad to find some more of it here today for me to enjoy :)

  17. Hi Marilyn! Sorry to hear about the stomach pain you had, hope you are coping well there. I remember I went to see you here but the blog was not updated. Now I know why. I will always come here for your gorgeous work!! They are truly inspiring! These two layouts are way too stunning! I think you always choose the perfect colors! Take care, Marilyn! Have a great day! {Hugs}


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