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Scrapfit Workout #56 & The Color Room #84

Hi my sweet friends!!  First at all, Thank you so much for all the lovely comments you left me in my last post.  And this is the second page that I made last Sunday.  This one is for the workout #56- Technically Inclined at Scrapfit.  We all love our technical gadgets like Computer, iPods, iPads, Wii, DS, Smart Phone, Digital SLR Camera and some many more!  What technical gadget do you hold dear to your heart?   I can't live without my camera, I used to take photos of every!!!
I combined my workout with TCR Palette #84, I love these colors looks like home to me, these are the decor colors that I have right now at home.  You could see it in the photo, behind me...the curtain and the walls are the same lovely colors.

More details of my page....
I used Bo Bunny papers and American Craft cardstocks.  Jillibean alphabet.

I also used tulle, lace and feathers.   The butterfly is from Dusty Attic. 

Now it's your turn to show what technical gadget you can't live without.   You will have until November 30...go HERE

The sponsor...Burlap & Buttercups. 

Well my friends thanks for stopping by and for your  sweet comments.  Until next time!
Take Care!!


  1. Ya habia ido previamente a ScrapFit blog.. ya lo estaba esperando aqui je je!!!.
    Esta super fabuloso! y esos colores estilo Vintage... Te felicito!!
    Somos muchas que no podemos vivir sin nuestra camara je je!...

  2. WOW... you layout is so beautiful.... I love your blog... so many beautiful things to see... and very inspiring indeed... thanks for dropping by my blog... I totally appreciate it... thanks... hugs...xoxo

    P/S: I am your new follower... hugs..xoxo

  3. I love the layers, sewing, textures and the pretty eyes and hair behind the Nikon!

  4. Siempre me quedo con la boca abierta con tus creaciones...tienen unos detalles q ni me los puedo imaginar yo haciendolos...
    Simplemente bella!!!!!

  5. Precioso! Y en vivo se ve mejor aún.

  6. Your photo looks great and I love design!

  7. This is SO beautiful. I LOVE the colours and LOVE your subject! Awesome work.

  8. Its a stunning page with cool details and the colors are Yummie!

  9. Exquisite layout my friend! I truly love it...the colours are too beautiful & I love my Nikon too! So glad you are also a Nikon user!! I love how you have made this layout so white & pure yet also with a grungy industrial element - this is wowzer artistic!!

  10. WOW ADORE your monochromatic page Marilyn, the layering and textures are gorgeous and I love the paint drips and twine detail.. amazing work!! :))

  11. Sooooo pretty with all the little details!

  12. Thank you so much for your congrats... and what stunning pages you have on your blog!

  13. i love also my nikon haha your lo is beautiful hugs Janneke

  14. Marilyn dearest, congrats on being featured, YAY!!! Your layout is fantabulous (fantastic and fabulous)!! Have a good weekend dear!! :)))

  15. You are featured at The Color Room! Congratulations my friend!! So well deserved!!! This is indeed one awesome layout :)

  16. Gorgeous layout! I love the photo and the colours look amazing here! You really nailed this colour palette! Wow!!!

  17. You sure bowled me over with this page sweetie! so proud to see you hanging there on the TCR wall! a huuuuge CONGRATS on the fature over at UOAS too, absolutely fab!! you're on a roll girl!! thanks ever so much for your lovely email too, my goodness what news you bring me! keeping my fingers and toes crossed that horrible fever will pass. Take care, remember to breathe! xoxoxox

  18. Congrats and gorgeous page, take care, Doreen x

  19. congrats Marilyn and such a magnificent page ...loved it the moment I saw it .. hugz x

  20. Hey dear friend thank you for the sweet comment on my blog that I appreciate so much.
    and what have you again a so gorgeous layout made from your own

    big hugs and have a great thanksgiving!!!


  21. Wowzers, this is magnificent!! Love it all. The feathers add such a lovely touch,-and you always manage to look wonderful in all your photos. it is not fair...LOL!
    Congrats so much,too, on your latest feature, so so well deserved!Take care my friend!

  22. Marilyn, what a gorgeous LO!! Love all the techniques you employed. The large drippy paint splats add so much. Love all the layering, distressing, and stitching! Thanks for the inspiration! ~ Blessings

  23. Wow this is so beautiful! And you look great in the photo! Just discovered your blog and you have some wonderful projects. Love it!
    Hugs xx

  24. Hey, just wanted to say that this was a very well written post and I enjoyed reading it. It's great to see someone sharing interesting information on the internet.


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