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Hello!!! the new word for Bird is the Word challenge, a lovely word!!  I adore many things but one of these things is Christmas time, the family traditions...all together reunited, all the good vibes to  be with our loved ones.  I love to see the kids waiting for Santa, their sweet's priceless!!!
What do you Adore?... make a page using the adore word  and if your page is the winner you can win a fabulous TIDBITZ IN TIME KIT  go....HERE

The sketch by Mary Thomas

I submitted my page to SCRAP-IT-LAH, this month the challenge is by the sweet Debbie Tehrani and for her challenge you need to incorporate in your layout:
1- Layers(at least 6)..Love it!!!!
2- Stamping and/ or embossing
3- Tags or journaling tags....all done!

more details on my page....
I used Scenic Route, American Craft, Pink Paislee  and K & Company papers.

Tags- K & Company,  Bingo- Maya Roads

Christmas tag- Jenni Bowlin

We know Christmas will be here before we know it so lets start spreading ideas for Christmas Cards and Tags!  Show us what your putting in the mail or attaching to a gift this year!!  I made this card with Bo Bunny papers.

You have until November 31st to load your hand made card or tag on SCRAFIT and you can win this fabulous BURLAP & BUTTERCUPS KIT 

So happy!! my page about the barc, lol!! was one of the winners(3) at Once Upon A Sketch,  Congratulations to the winners and featured ...Bravo girls!!!
Also my "You're so Beautiful to me!" layout was featured two weeks ago at Scrapbookchallenges
and this last week it was featured again at The Boxx.
So happy!! thanks to all the girls on the Design Teams that voted for my pages!

Well girls thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments!  Until next time!!
Take Care!!   With Love....


  1. Congratulations Marilyn yayyyyy!! Those pages are absolutely stunning!! And I absolutely love your Adore Christmas layout, it was so beautifully done!! Always love your bright page! Have a wonderful day, dear! {Hugs}

  2. Marilyn this page is just stunning. Your tree with the lights looks so beautiful and your work with the sketch is divine. Just fabulous. And congrats on the features. You totally deserve the recognition.

  3. Este año te voy a contratar para que envuelvas mis regalos! :-D Todo muy lindo como siempre!

  4. wow it's beautiful i love it hugs Janneke

  5. Marilyn... están súper bellos... me encantan.... los he mirado y mirado tanto... ohhhh.... de verdad que son una obra de arte......

    Gracias por compartirlos...

  6. Me cambiaste la musicaaaa, pero te perdono porque me gustaron las páginas de navidad, están bellas como siempre amiguita, con ese estilo único. Felicidades por tu página de "Barc".

  7. Me encantó como se ve ese amarre en la foto y otros papeles, le da un toque de originalidad a la página.



  9. Bellos!!! Me encantan las tarjetitas ;)

  10. What a gorgeous page, Marilyn! Love the design and how you tied the layers together with twine. Wonderful layering and clusters of embellishments. Your stitching looks fantastic, and how fun and festive are the little stamped snowflakes!

  11. Amiga, tus paginas están hermosas y la tarjeta me encanta.

  12. Woow esta claro que Marilyn la lleva como decimos aqui en Chile.Felicitaciones por todos tus trabajos destacados amiga son todos preciosos y muy creativos!!
    Un abrazo!

  13. Yippee my friend! Congratulations on all your features! Woo Hoo!! Sure you must be very busy this time of the year with beautiful Christmas outfits so I hope that you are coping well!! I LOVE your Bird is the Word page & agree - I also ADORE Christmas & can't wait to get all my decor up SOON!! Also LOVED your barc page - SO FUNNY!!! and so beautifully done too :) Oh and before I go - THANKS for playing along at Scrap-it-Lah aswell!! xx

  14. No me debo perder tanto de visitarte amiga, porque tus creaciones siempre son fantásticas y espectaculares....que manera de scrapear mujer!!!! besos!!!

  15. Love your 'adore' christmas page! Just wanted to say 'hi', thank you for your lovely comments on my 'together' layout. Cheers!

  16. Thank you Marilyn for all the lovely comments on my blog. I love the booklet like background you made on the Adore page, the story and photo of you on the "Ship to" page and the last one is a favorite too with the beautiful color and sentiment in the "You are so beautiful" page. Happy Saturday my friend!

  17. Hi Marilyn,

    Just gorgeous!! Love the Santa project..your BITW project and your cruise LO!! I knew you would be featured..Congrats!!! Really awesome job..Don't forget to email me your address when you get a chance (


  18. Marilyn... "barc" te trajo muy buena suerte!, lol!
    Me alegra prima que sigas cuesta arriba, tus trabajos fabulosos. Te felicito!
    Me encanto ese sketch de M. Thomas.

  19. lovely LO.. lovely colour combination


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