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Small things with GREAT LOVE.

Hola mis amigos blogeros!!!   Esta pagina es para The Scrapbook Challenges- SCNTS-Week 3, eso quiere decir que fui seleccionada en el Top 10...YESSSS!!!!   Pase a la tercera semana y este reto fue un poco fuerte consiste en hacer una pagina de tu día....las pequeñas cosas que hacemos en nuestro diario vivir y tiene algunas restricciones como.... usar un papel neutral,  usar mínimo 3 fotos,  usar pintura y el journal.   Ahora esta semana escogen solo a 5 de las 10 que somos, y esas 5 pasan al próximo reto....Uuyyy  Necesito Suerte!!
Hello my bloggers friends!!!!   This page is for The Scrapbook Challenges-SCNTS-Week 3, That means I
made the Top 10...YEESSS!!!   I passed to the third week and this was a hard challenge that is about making a page about today...the little things we do in our daily life and has some restrictions like....A neutral colored background, A minimum of 3 photos, use paint or ink and the journal.  Now this week they are going to pick only 5 out of 10 of us, and those 5 go to next challenge....Uuuyyy  I need Good Luck!!

Este es mi titulo y la cita(Madre Teresa)  que me inspiro para hacer esta pagina.
This is my tittle and the Quote(Mother Teresa) that inspired me to made this page..
Fotos y Parte del Journal...
Photos and part of the Journal....

Journal:  1- Today and everyday I wake up at 6:15 A.M.  I drive my kids to school, then I pick up at noon and take them to the art classes and the other activities.
2- I enjoy a good cup of coffee at the same time I read my newspaper, check my blog and my friends blogs.  Then I prepare to work.
3-I work for like 7 to 8 hours designing and making dresses.    I make dinner, then wash the dishes and prepare everything for the next day. 
Today and everyday I give Thanks to God because I have a Beautiful Family.  A supportive and lovely husband, two healthy and good kids.  An unconditional mother and father, a lovely sister and a good brother.   I'm not rich but I have the most valuable treasure....
Great Family
Great Life
Great Love!

....Y unos Grandiosos Amigos Blogeros que siempre pasan por aquí y me dejan lindos comentarios...Que mas puedo pedir???   Muchas Gracias!!!
......And a GREAT BLOGGERS FRIENDS!! that always stopping by and leaved me Lovely Comments!!
What more can I ask???...A lot of Thanks!!

Mi pagina Your Funny Faces was Featured Layout this week in The Scrapbook Challenge!
My page Your Funny Faces was Featured Layout this week in the Scrapbook Challenge!
Hasta la proxima,  Cuidense Mucho.
Until the next,  Take Care.


  1. Hola Marilyn! sí suerte, suerte, suerte!!! no puede ser de otra manera!! porque tus trabajos son alucinantes! bellos! originales!!
    Un abrazo grande!

  2. Weeepa Marilyn! que bello LO y Dios bendiga tu familia. Felicidades por tu logro en el blog The Scrapbook Challenge. Te lo estoy diciendo amiga, ya pronto estaras en revista. Un abrazo, Zulma.

  3. TE felicito amiga!!!!! y la página esta BUENISIMA!!

  4. I love these layouts, particularly the top one! Great job!

  5. Your funny faces L/O is so cute!!Congrats on the feature!!And wow you rock it this week,your L/O is so amazing!!!!Beautiful work my friend and good luck!!!!!

  6. I love this layout Marilyn!! So Original!!! I'm gonna try that!! Hope everything is well!!!

    Love, Frank

  7. wow it's fabulous!!beautiful work i love it greetings janneke

  8. Cool page great day you have ....goodluck with the win !!

  9. Amiguitaaaa, con esos tesoros, ya eres la ganadora. Tu página esta BRUTAL! Bendiciones en el reto.

  10. Fantastico Marilyn! And your family look lovely too!! You have a free, original & artsy style going on that is really refreshing ;-D

  11. Me encantan las fotos que son todo en blanco y negro pero solo unos detalles de color... se ven excelentes. Me encanta el colorido de tu página y pues si, aqui siempre estaré comentando tus bellos trabajos.


  12. Marilyn, like I said, I LOVE the quote and journaling and how you relate them together. This is absolutely a stunning page and I am very sure you will make to the Top 5 :) Good luck, my friend!! And congratulations on being featured!! Have a great day today, yeah!! :D

  13. Me encantan todas tu hermosas páginas. Eres una artista.

  14. Congratulations you made to the Top 5 too!! I am already tired of thinking, not sure what I can come up with hahaha!! Good luck, my friend, thanks for your wish :))) xoxo.

  15. Congratulations my friend... Your work is spectacular, your creativity is great, such a good taste for combining colors with patterns, textures and more...great techniques... So, I don't wish you LUCK... no, no, no... I wish you SUCCESS because Excellence is a lot more than just LUCK... Remember me when you are famous... We are almost there.

  16. Hi Marilyn, was looking through for inspiration and found this one, I LOVE IT, how cool you design and make clothes, now I know why your layouts always have little bits of fabric, trims, ribbon and feathers, love it, take care, Doreen x


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