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Hi!! I hope everybody is fine!!  I'm going to show you two pages and the first one is "A Special day" I made it for Paper Trail cardboard challenge and for Scrapfit workout #54-It's all Adds Up. 
For the Scrapfit workout you need to create a layout with lot and lot of number.  I used the new Graphic 45 line "ABC Prime" these papers and tags have many numbers and clocks that I loved to use on my page.  This ABC Prime line is Beautiful and you can find it at The Paper Trail Store.
For the Paper Trail Cardboard challenge you need to use cardboard in your page.  I really love cardboard so this challenge was a piece of cake for me!  I used the cardboard like my photo mats and  a small pieces like embellishments.

More details....

I took these photos a few years ago when Alexander graduated from 8th grade.  Here
Sabrina, Alexander and Paola.

For more details of these challenges go to...

The (Paper) Trail Maker

I made this page for The Paper Trail challenge "ten of something"  I used ten red handmade flowers on my page.  I worked with Graphic 45 one of my favorites lines.  These papers and tags are from ABC Prime line and you can find it at The Paper Trail store.
A memory, when Paola was three years old.

More details....

Go to The Paper Trail Maker for more details.

The sponsor of this month at Scrapfit is The Paper Bakery Kit club.

Well my blogger friends, Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comments...I really appreciated to read them!!  Take Care and come back soon!!!

With Love,


  1. What fabulous LO's, Marilyn!! Love your number LO and the wonderful lacing. Your second LO is so fun and your roses are spectacular!! ~ Blessings

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous, Marilyn!! My fav is the first LO :) Enjoy your weekend, dear! xoxo.

  3. Hiya Marilyn : ) So Sorry I haven't visited your blog for so long!!! I LOVE your work it's just so inspirational!!!!! I LOVE what you've done with the twine in the first layout...and as usual I love all of your layering and clustering and colours : ) Love and Peace xox

  4. Tu trabajo, como siempre, hermoso. Ese talento que tienes para poner muchos adornos sin que se vea cargado es fascinante. Me encanta ver tus trabajos.

  5. Preciosos LO's!!!!!!!!!!!! lindos d/p y embellishments. Las flores del 2ndo LO me encanto. TFS, hugs, Zulma

  6. OOo I really like what you did with the edges here the sparkle on the ripped edges is perfect on the second page and I love how you folded a frame for the photo. The first page is fantastic- so much texture and detail- love it!!

  7. Loving all the different types of flowers, especially the ones with clock's in the middle, take care, Doreen x

  8. Super bellos!!! Gracias por la inspiracion! :-)

  9. Great collage of papers behind the lovely photos.

  10. Gorgeous Marilyn!!! LOVE your work honey, so amazing! Really loving those yummy red flowers! AMAZING.



  11. Como siempre Marilyn, tus páginas son unas obras de arte. Las flores del 2do me matan. Gracias por compartir.

  12. These are just jumping right out of the screen! They are stunning!!!

  13. Have had so much trouble commenting with Blogger grrrx%&&&&& Hope for better luck now. Fab stitching with around the whole page on the first one, super layers and so many details to admire! that rule for instance and the little clock flower. Yummie!
    The red flowers really pop on the second one! the girlie embellies are so cute, just perfect. xoxoxo

  14. Beautiful pages and your details are absolutely amazing - what you have done with the stitching on the first one is totally inspirational! And I want to play along for that awesome looking prize!!

  15. Hola niña!! pues vengo a comentarte de tus lindos trabajos que siempre haces.


  16. Precious LO's, lovely embellishments, love the stitching!!!!!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog :)!

  17. Hi, just popped in to say thanks for all the blog love recently, hope you and your family are well, take care, Doreen x

  18. Marilyn como siempre nos tienes acostumbradas con tus hermosos layouts con lindos detalles que te distingue. Te felicito!

  19. your work is as inspirational, and beautiful as ever my friend xx

  20. Bellos!! Esas flores nunca dejan de dejarme boquiabierta ;) Que tengas un lindo dia.

  21. This blog always create some informational and amazing things, which add in my knowledge and experience.But I am a bit confuse. Thanks for sharing.Waiting for next post.


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