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Hi!!!  How are you?  I've been lost in action for the past weeks because of health problems but thank  God I'm back again!!  I have two great news that I would like to share with all of you...First, I'm Guest Designer at My Creative Scrapbook this month, so happy that Pam gave me this Great opportunity I was working with the album kit that is so Gorgeous!!!  I made 4 pages with this kit but I will show you two of my pages today and in my next post I'll show you the others two layouts.    And the second Great news is that I made the Design Team at Bird is the word...Yess!! so happy that Wendy chose me to join this talented design team.  I made my first page as part of the DT for "Together" is the word and I'm going to show you next.
GD at My Creative Scrapbook
I made the "Naughty" and "You are so beautiful to me" pages with the album kit that is really awesome you can see it....HERE
This kit comes with 3 bugs in a Rug papers, Rub- on,
Maya Road chipboard, Fancy Pants and Prima flowers and a lot of more stuff like lace, charms, ribbons, etc...
Some years ago when my kids were little, we made a trip to Disney and I would like to work with these photos that aren't the best in quality but it has a sentimental value for me because it's like living again those lovely memories.  In this photo my kids are with their cousins and when these four are together...Hmmm they are very naughty!!!

More details of my page.....

The kit comes with the Ashtyn die cut sheet that has this flags and I made this....

I made this shadow box frame with the pattern paper.

My second page with the album kit.....

I made this page about my lovely niece Sabrina.  I used the transparencies that came in the kit.   I altered the Fancy Pants flowers and made the shadow box frames...I made the tutorials of both things and I will show you later...stay tuned to my blog!!

More details....

"TOGETHER" Bird is the Word"
This is my first page as part of the Design Team at Bird is the Word.  Create a project using the "Together" word on your title or journal page.
If you need inspiration...go and see the beauties the talented Design Team made.....HERE  
I got a lot of photos when my kids were little, and I found this one and I got flashbacks of the moment...Does this happen to you????  For me it's like to live the moment again!  I used My Creative Scrapbook September main kit that came with all these gorgeous materials.  You can find The Attic Dusty chipboard at The Paper Trail store...HERE.

More details....

Well my blogger friends, Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely words...I really appreciate it and love to read them!!!  Come back soon to see my tutorials and my others two page for MCS!
Take Care!!!

With Love,


  1. Your layouts are so beautiful! The use of color in all 3 are so striking & vivid. Beautifully done!

  2. SO many Beautful Layouts Marilyn!!!
    Gorgeous ARRAY of FAB COLORS....
    TOOT! TOOT! for your GDT spot @ My Creative Scrapbook!!!
    ALSO I'm HAPPY to be Part of the DT for Bird Is The Word with such Talent bunch of Ladies....
    Have a FAB WEEK!! xx

  3. OMG WOW Marilyn.. such gorgeous creations.. LOVE all the vibrant colour and beautiful detail.. stunning work!! Congrats on your GDT spot at MCS and so glad to be working alongside you on the BITW DT.. ADORE you creations!! Have a fabulous day :)) hugs

  4. Hola Marilyn! hoy pasé rapidito por acá, vuelvo después de encontrar tu comentario! me alegro mucho que estés otra vez haciendo bellezas!! si! me preguntaba como andarías? espero que estés bien ahora. Te mando un cariño grande! Cuidate mucho, mucho!!!!

  5. Siempre q veo tus creaciones me quedo en Shockkkkk.....estan demasiado hermosas!!!Exitos.
    T envio palabra de salud por la sangre de Cristo.

  6. Hi Marilyn, am so happy that you visited me!! I miss you! I hope that you are in great shape of health :) Your layouts are always so stunning and beautiful!! Your choice of colors is always rare and unique. Love your work, great job Marilyn!! Congrats on making to the DT, you deserve it :D Take care ya! {Hugs}

  7. I love "You are so beautiful" and the music note border in the lower layout. Glad you are back my friend.

  8. Wow! Marilyn this is so fabulous. You are right girl, missing in action, but those work of art are a delight to my eyes. Beautiful color combo, embellish, stunning flowers and feathers is big touch. TFS my sweet friend and God blesss you!
    Hugs, Zulma
    We pronounce VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Wao Marilyn como siempre te sales de la norma y me fascina. Ya sabes que soy de tus fans numero uno. Que bueno que ya estes de regreso y estas mejor de salud. Yo ando en las mismas con las crisis alteradas pero seguimos adelante. Te Felicito por tus logros de ser DT y eres un orgullo para las que te queremos y apoyamos. Ojala pronto sea en una revista conocida. Espero verte pronto. Un abrazo

  10. Hi Marilyn,

    Nice to meet you! It is so great to be working with you at BITW..such beautiful LOs you've created here..stunning work!


  11. Oh my gosh Marilyn, these pages are just divine. The colors, the designs, all so beautiful. I think I have to go back and have another look. You are such an inspiration.

  12. Congrats on being a DT And GDT..your so busy..
    Stunning pages you have created again.

  13. Hey girl!! I haven't been in the galleries much lately but I see you have been rockin' it!!! Love the photos beneath the banner of the first layout. As always, your layers are gorgeous and your color combinations are fantastic! I am feeling okay... I have good days and bad. I am sorry to hear you have been ill. I hope you are feeling better too!! xoxo

  14. Amiguitaaaa, las paginas están preciosas, me encantaron los colores, bien brillantes y esos detalles que son únicos de una persona tan artística como lo eres tu. Me alegro que ya estés mucho mejor de salud, de que seas diseñadora en varios grupos, te sirve de terapia. Welcome back! Love the music!

  15. Hermosasos todos tus trabajos. Me encantó la primera el banner, esa idea de alternar fotos con los pennants está super. Me encantan tus trabajos siempre.

    Gracias por compartir tus bellezas.

  16. Que bellezas! hermosos colores y las fotos...bellos recuerdos. Gracias por mostrarlas. un abrazo, Frances.

  17. Me fascinan tus trabajos, todos, y lo que mas me llega es el colorido tan explosivo, con tanta fuerza, que te deja una sensación de energía...saludos!!!

  18. Que lindas paginas--todas esta tan bien cordinados...los colores estan bellisimos! Felicidades en tus nuevos DT's! GDT & DT...que dicha! I'm sure you'll create many fabulous pages for your DT never fail to do so!

  19. Hola mi querida amiga,que pena saber que has estado enferma,espero que no haya sido nada muy grave y que estes bien recuperada.
    Felicitaciones por tus nuevos DT,tus páginas están fantásticas como siempre muy alegres y coloridas.
    Aqui la verdad es que hizo bastante calor pero estos últimos días han estado bastante frios pero bueno así es la primavera.El próximo mes de Noviembre nos vamos unos días a Buenos Aires con la Nini de viaje de mujeres,mira que entretenido,es su regalo de 15 años.
    Un gran abrazo!

  20. Amazing layouts Marilyn!!! Simply amazing work. Oh how I missed you!!!! I am so happy you joined our forum!!! Thank You!!Thank You!!Thank You!!Thank You!!Thank You!! Love you lots honey!!!


  21. Just so beautiful!! Every one of them!!

  22. Bellos!!! Ese primero con el banner me mato. Estan pero requete hermosos. Siempres me animas a hacer SB :)

  23. OMG MARILYN, these are totally breathtaking !!!!!! the colours, the designs, the embellies, the pics everything ... so inspiring ... love love love them all .... hugz x
    thanks for your wonderful words on my blog ... very special to me .. xoxo

  24. Ahora son muchos trabajos pero todos lindos, me gusta cada detalle de cada página y como siempre tu estilo tan lindo de trabajar, me encanta!!


  25. Wow Marilyn!!! I love your layouts here! Fantastic!!! Great work!

  26. Congrats on your GDT gig - I love both of your layouts for them and welcome to Bird is the Word again - love being on the same team as you! Stay strong!! Your layouts are always so fantastically vibrant & full of colour :)

  27. Wow! super hermosos, colores bellos y detalles divinos.
    Te felicito y que sigas alcanzando mas triunfos.

  28. Wow, super congrats on the design team and loving all your creations, especially the one from Disney, love looking back at old pictures as well, take care, Doreen x

  29. Hey sweetie I am so happy that you also In the GDT team are you have really Rock the Kit so stunning and wowsers details!!!

    have a very wonderful and take care big hugs

  30. I love your work!I will follow now :)

  31. Glad you're feeling better, Marilyn! Wow, what gorgeous LO's! Love your bold bright color and design and all the amazing details!! Congratulations on making the GDT at MCS and DT at BITW. They are blessed to have your amazing and inspirational work! ~ Blessings

  32. These are all so gorgeous Marilyn! I love your Creative Scrapbook layouts - all that stashy suits you to a T!! Love the little frames you made for the photos too!! Seems like your life is still very busy - hope you are feeling better :) Congrats on the GDT position...

  33. totally beautiful projects Marilyn!!! what a great job you did! Congrats on the GDT!

  34. wow !!! these are all so awesome, funky, fun and such beautiful designs and full of rich colourful elements .. love them all ..
    thanks so much for your beautiful comments you leave me are special ... hugz x

  35. Woot woot! so many absolutely wonderful things happening to you my beautiful lady! CONGRATS on the GDT spot and the DT assignment!! Heather says it beautifully; your pages are always full och rich details and wonderful lush colours! Gorgeous! Hope you are feeling better darling, remember to take care of yourself! xoxoxo

  36. Felicitaciones Marilyn por tus trabajos! hermosos y este en particular me gusta mucho! un abrazo!

  37. I should say only that its awesome! The blog is informational and always produce amazing things.Thanks for sharing.


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