Bienvenidos a "Milestones Blog Hop" Welcome to "Milestones Blog Hop" Si deseas unirte al Blog Hop comienza AQUÍ , si vienes del blog de la talentosa Robin, estas en el sitio correcto!! Hola!! Mi nombre es Marilyn una chica apasionada con este hermoso hobby del scrapbooking, espero estés disfrutando de este blog-hop. Nos pidieron trabajaramos proyectos celebrando un aniversario, cumpleaños, boda...alguna fecha importante para celebrar!! If you would like to join this Blog Hop start HERE , if you came from the talented Robin's blog, you're in the correct place!! Hello!! Mi name is Marilyn, i am a passionated girl with this beautiful hobby "scrapbooking", I hope you're enjoying this blog-hop. We were asked to work projects celebrating an anniversary, birthday, wedding...any important date to celebrate!!! El año pasado fue nuestro aniversario de bodas #20 y lo celebramos con un viaje en crucero durante una semana. We celebrate...
Such a fun photo and you've scrapped it wonderfully! I love the fun colours in your lay-out and the pretty flowers.
ReplyDeleteAdorable photo and you have picked up the colors from the photo in your background, colors and flowers. As always, beautiful!