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Scrap For Help &Berry71Bleu teams andJanuary Challenge!!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!! 
We are starting a New Year and it means new hopes, new dreams...
and new teams!!
So happy and excited to tell you that I was invited to join 
Berry71Bleu Design Team-  you will love their beautiful and unique handmade tags designed by the owner Marivic Clifton.
Marivic is doing the first challenge of the year that make something about yourself...
'This challenge is about your new year's resolution, your dreams, your childhood, your best and worst moments, what makes you laugh, cry, mad...what makes you feel beautiful...your best physical feature, what you wish you can change about yourself...your pet peeves, your frustrations, your favorite food, color...maybe a secret? whatever you want to talk about as long as it's all about you'.
And this is the inspirational photo

And the sponsor of the month is 13 ARTS Frosted Life Collection

More details of this challenge go HERE
We would like to see what you will create in this month challenge!!! 

Another team that I joined is Scrap For Help

Scrap For Help Design Team:

-Cindy Adkins (United States)
-Naiara Cicilia (Brazil)
-Barbara Caitete (Brazil)
-Paula Castells (Brazil/Germany)
-Andrea Castro de Albuquerque (Brazil)
-Anupama Choudary (India)
-Fanny Delobel (France)
-Lean de Ruiter (Netherlands)
Dani de  (Brazil)
-Bente Fagerberg (Sweden)
-Juraci Falcucci (Brazil)
-Aline Fonseca (Brazil)
-Patti Hamil (USA)
-Chantelle Huizenga (Australia)
Shona Keehn (Canada)
-Maiko Kosugi (Japan)-Solange Marques (Brazil)
-Leonie Neal-Dawson (Australia)
-Elena Olinevich (Belarus)
-Denise Price (United States)

-Lydell Quin (Australia)
-Rita Ribeiro (Brazil)
-Marilyn Rivera (Puerto Rico)
-Sarah Routledge (Canada)
-Elisabeth Sarkis (Brazil)
-Meg Stoco (Brazil)
-Kylie Symons (Australia)
-Keren Tamir (Canada)
-Yuko Tanaka (Japan)
-Marcela Valadares (Brazil)
-Gerry Van Gent (Netherlands)
-Margreet Westerling (Netherlands)

January Challenge...

All the details...HERE

Until next time!!!


  1. Congrats on the new DT!!!! That's awesome!

  2. Wowww, nuevo DT??? Congrats amigaaa!!!! Muy lindo el Lo de tu post pasado, me encantó!!! vine de a rapidito a dejarte un cariñito y a desearte lo mejor en este 2013! :) Besitos!

  3. Happy New Year Marilyn! Miss you! Hope you are doing well, I can see that :-) Congratulations for making to the great team! I'll see you :-)

  4. Congratulations! You are so talented!!

  5. Marilyn,

    Congrats and WELCOME to our team..So glad that you are part of Berry71bleu...

  6. Talk about flying start to the year!! happy happy news indeed! CONGRATULATIONS on your triple assignments, they are all so blessed to have you onboard!! Your work is just outstanding so I already know you will create up storm everywhere!! Kisses and hugs

  7. Happy New Year & wishing you all the best for 2013 and congratulations on achieving your goals! Your work is fantastic!!


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