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Creative Scrappers- Sketch 221

Hi my lovely friends!! I hope all of you are fine and enjoying the summer!  I know I've been lost in time, lately.  This July month was very hard for me between vacations, weddings(work), kids at home, Sahara's dust(yes, it comes to the Caribbean from Africa desert, and I hate it!!! and to top it all off it makes me sick) :( the back to school...etc, etc...  I didn't have time for blogland and for my poor blog but kids are back to school and university again, Yes I have a kid in the university..OMG!! this mean that I'm getting older, lol!!! I will turn 44 years old tomorrow but I don't worry about it, I think the years teach me what are the real things to worry about and believe me it isn't birthdays..  First of all, THANKS for visiting me and for all the lovely comments you left me, although I didn't have time to visit your blogs, you are very kind, you will see me by your blogs this next days. I hope I'll get to normal life again.   A BIG HUG for all of you!! :)

Today I will show you my DT work for Creative Scrappers.  This week we have a new beautiful sketch by Nicole Nowosad.  Go here to see the beauties the DT girls made it......HERE
We were having a blog hop in September 5  at Creative Scrappers stay tuned....
And this is my page.....

I love the sketch!! I used the Bo Bunny collection-Country Garden.  Here is Paola after her graduation.

More details...

I was in vacation and I didn't post my page for this Beautiful sketch by Johanna

Another page about my daughter Paola, this one was taking after her graduation at the restaurant. I used Webster Page- Girl Land collection.

More details....

Well I see you soon my friends, I have to go..we have a family dinner now and my kids are waiting for me.
Thanks for stopping by and for all your lovely comments!!
HUGS and LOVE!!!


  1. Sounds like you have been busy and sick!! Hope you are feeling better now! I love love love both your lo's!! They are gorgeous!! I loveeeeeeeeee the colors and the layers!!

  2. Gorgeous work as always, Marilyn! You are one very creative gal! Hugs! Sandi

  3. Oh wow Marilyn....!!! You are amazing!!! I love both layouts... they are total stunner!!! BEautifully done... I love them... hugs...xoxo

  4. OH! MY! Marilyn... Both these are just STUNNING!! Love the layers in both these layouts.... x

  5. beautiful love to see also the pictures have a nice day hugs janneke

  6. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fabulous, these are just absolutely fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

  7. Son obras de artes! Me encantaron los diseños, la combinación del primero esta bellísima pero la segunda me mató. Tu hija está grande y preciosa, Dios la bendiga. Y nooooo, no te estás poniendo vieja, jamás! Ahora es que viene lo bueno. Cuidate, abrazos! Y felicidades por tu cumple.

  8. Hello amiga! que bueno ver tus creaciones nuevamente... espero que hayas disfrutado tus vacaciones... y antes de seguir, muchas felicidades en tu cumpleaños. Dios te siga bendiciendo y llena tu vida de mucha creatividad. Un abrazo a la distancia super fuerte. Se te quiere de gratis.
    Wow! que puedo decirte de tus creaciones, es que todo me gusta, ese layout de graduación esta divino y el color de las fotos y todo sus detalles esta espectacular.
    Tu segunda creación super fabulosa con esos colores super maravillosos y las fotos divinas. Dios bendiga a tu hija.
    Bueno aqui todo por ahora... espero que te tomes muchas fotos de tu birthday y ver luego tus creaciones por aqui.... Tu primis Sony
    From a Lion Girl to another Lion Girl!, lol!~

  9. Happy Birthday, Marilyn!! I hope you have had a lovely day!! What gorgeous LO's!! Love your work with color - in the first pulling color from the photo so beautifully and in the second the luscious bold colors!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  10. HI..These are really lovely.. The first one looks amazing and I love how you have used the blue as a main color, adore these papers too.. and the second one looks fabulous, a wonderful take on that sketch... beautiful work!

  11. Hey how are you girl I hope everthing is fine long time now see i missing you really

    you did do so amazing job on this gorgeous design so much wonderful details

    hugs carla

  12. So glad you managed to squeeze in a vacation! Sounds like you needed one with so much going on!! Beautiful pages!! I especially love your interpretation of the second sketch & how you have used the twine! the bloomers look awesome. I hope you are okay. I need to e mail you about something but just so busy right now - will try to do it later in the week :))))

  13. Dear dear Marilyn, I hear you on your July and August seems to have been as tolling too. It's been really tough on you with so much to handle and then being sick on top of everything. How are you??
    Both these pages are really pretty. I've told you many times before how magnificently you create with tropical colours, allways combining mouth watering details and colour combos. The first one is really pretty with the organza ribbon arranged as a circular frame around the potos and then the luscious bow as finishing touch. The second one so girly girl, love the arrangement that travels up your page with lots of beautiful lace and the yummie bloomers, just like the shoulder piece of one of your exquisite ball gowns.
    Take care my friend, and I truly mean it! xoxoxoxoxoxo


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