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Bird is the Word- "Sweet" & Featured at Inspire Me

Hello there!!!  I hope all of you are fine, I've been a little busy here with my December projects and I'm trying to have the Christmas decorations ready for Thanksgiving day.  Thank you so much for all the lovely comments you left me in My Creative Scrapbook Reveal entry, you always make my day :)
And here is my page for BITW "Sweet" is the new word for these next two weeks.  I made this page about my nieces Sabrina and Fabiola.  Sabrina is so lovely and sweet with her little sister...

More closer details....

Bird is the Word- Blog


Bo Bunny- Country Garden Collection
Prima- flowers
Bo Bunny- die cuts
Lace and pearls

My page Keep Smiling was featured last week at Inspire Me.
Keep Smiling

                                                                                      Keep Smiling

                                                                                    by Marilyn Rivera

Thanks for stopping by and for all your sweet comments.
until next time!


  1. Primero te felicito por tu trabajo Keeping Smile.. tu nueva pagina esta tan espectacular.. esos colores me encantan.
    -Sony "primis" ji ji!!!

  2. Wow, such an amazing lay-out! Very cute and girly!
    And huge congrats on your feature at Webster's Pages! Very well deserved :)

  3. This is GORGEOUS!!!! I loveeeee the colors, the photos and loving the circle elements!!!!

  4. ayyyy HERMOSA!!!! BELLA Y ESPECTACULAR!!!!! Que recuerdos!!!..... el LO .... me MATA!!!LOL Delicado, girly y bien tu!!! Sabrina dice que esta hermosa!!!...


  5. gorgeous BITW page Marylin and congrats on the WP feature!!

  6. Ahhh COngrats Marilyn... I'm no surprise.... you well deserved!!! This layout is stunning!!! Hugs...xoxo

  7. Sweet page indeed congrats with your feature.

  8. Gorgeous page. Love the circular elements and the colours are perfect.

  9. Sweet page indeed congrats with your feature.xoxo

  10. Wow! Wow! Wow! This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the circles and how you've decorated each of them. Stunning clustering....I just love everything about this one!!!!!!!!!

  11. Hi there, Marilyn! I've been missing you!!! This page is so unque .. I love the color combo and the sweet circles with those darling nieces of yours. Great job making a page that has so much for the eye to enjoy!

  12. Such a sweet & pretty layout the colours & the circle photos!

  13. Very cute photos and great design! well done

  14. Hi my friend beautiful work as always :) a very cute LO.. and a HUGE congrats on the feature at 'Inspire me'... well deserved xx

  15. so so gorgeous :) and yes huge congrats on the feature !!!!!!!

  16. Such a gorgeous page, Marilyn!! Love the stamped paint and drips and what wonderful circles!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  17. So cute! Love this one!! And congratulations on your feature at Inspire Me - big wooooot!!!

  18. Congrags on your feature Marilyn, lovely fun layout with some great techniques, great photos as well.


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Gracias por sacar de tu tiempo y dejarme un mensaje son bien apreciados, me encantan!!!

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