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Bird id the word "Discover" , Glitz February Challenge and OUAS e

Hello everyone!!  I will show you two pages that I made for some challenges.  I made my first page like DT work for Bird is the Word and the new word is "Discover" can use this word like the tittle or like part of your journaling for the challenge.  You can see how the DT used the word in their Beautiful projects...check HERE.
I also combined this page with the Glitz February Challenge that consists of making a page/card with  beautiful palette colors.
This time I played with a boy page.  I found this lovely picture when Alexander had one year and he loved to play  in the shelves, inside the kitchen gabinets or under the bed..he was discovering all the imaginables places at home.

I used the Dreamer collection, I cut some cards and used it like embellishments and the transparency for the tittle...all products are for Glitz.

The Color Palette...

You can use this lovely sketch by Mary Thomas for the BITW challenge.

Once Upon a Sketch & Scrapfit

Journalling criteria/theme: HOLIDAYS/VACATION 
Have you printed out all those photos from your last holiday/vacation or most favourite holiday/vacation? We would LOVE to see them and hear all about it. With the theme of holidays/vacation for this challenge, we would love to hear about: your favourite holiday/vacation of all time or a favourite place you would LOVE to take a holiday in . Or how about the last holiday/vacation you went to?  Maybe you have not travelled yet? Then tell us about your DREAM HOLIDAY /VACATION destination. 

The lovely sketch by Nadia.
                                Scrapfit challenge
                                 Workout- XOXO

                                                                   My page...

I asked the kids which are their favorite vacation and they picked this one and my girl Paola wrote the journaling.  For them, this was a special vacations because we traveled with their cousins and auntie. We rented a house for all of us for one week and a half in Orlando, Florida.  We visited their favorites parks and attractions...
These kids had a wonderful time all together.

More details....

I used the Crate Paper Heart collection.  Prima flower.  

Check my last post(behind this one) that I have a giveaway about the CS Ebook by Kristine, I will select a random winner in March 9, so don't loose the chance to win..go down to this post.
Well my blogger friends, Thanks for stopping by!!
I'm not working these days, I'm still recovering, I've been trying to rest a lot.
Thanks for all the love.
A Big Hug!!!!


  1. OMG! These layouts are show stopping gorgeous!!! I love your paper distressing technique...the way you fold, crumple and wrinkle it! It adds such tremendous texture! That top layout is the sweetest thing. I love that precious photo, the color scheme and all the glitz embellishments. Perfection!

  2. Such a beautiful page! Love all the layers and curled paper.

  3. Love Love LOVE your Layouts Marilyn.......
    Both are FULL with AWESOMENESS!!! ♥♥

  4. Simply Stunning layouts... love them both... I love the 1st one...especially the photo.... hugs..xoxo

  5. Hi Marilyn!! Wow these are great pieces of art, my friend!! I really love your layouts, and the first one is my favorite :) You did so well using the color palette. Hope you are doing good there, dear! Take care.


  6. Gosh Marilyn - FABULOUS!!!! Love your creations. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful work with us at Once Upon A...Sketcg

  7. These are GORGEOUS!!! Both are FAB, the colours are soo yummy! Hope you are having a great week xoxo

  8. I love little Alexander's photo! Priceless!

  9. Hola Marilyn! So glad I swung by to see TWO great projects that have inspired me today. I LOVE that you make the pages shabby without adding a lot of dark inking to make them look "old"- the bright color palettes you use and all the detail you can squeeze into each page without making it crowded is amazing. I also wanted to let you know I would love to visit more often but the music you play is GREAT (I actually downloaded a few tracks you had here because I loved them that much) but it slows down my computer. This comment has taken a few minutes to write up because of it. I have an older computer with a lot of photos that slow down my hard drive so it's actually my fault but I just wanted to give you some feedback- I hope that's ok. I've seen some people use players where you can choose to turn it on when you visit the site- maybe this could help people like me with slow ancient computers? Thanks for visiting my blog today- I really appreciate your comments- I'm learning a lot from you. :)

  10. Hola Marilyn! Chica, te botaste con estos layouts, ambos estan brutales! La foto de tu hijo es muy tierna, me recuerda mis ninos tambien! Buena suerte con el challenge, me encanta el diseno de tu primera pagina y los colores de la segunda, muy buen trabajo!

  11. Marilyn, I love your style and these pages are simply amazing!! Love the braided jute inside your circle and your distressed, curled edges!! Thanks for working out with us at ScrapFIT! ~ Blessings

  12. So sorry you are still not up and about! take your time to recover fully - I'm sure you need the rest!! Your layouts are as absolutely gorgeous as ever and sure your name will be up in lights on the Glitz blog with that one!!

  13. OMG Marilyn simply stunning creations.. so much gorgeous detail!! ADORE all your distressing and crumpling on your BITW LO and LOVE the plaited twine on your OUAS LO!! hugs :))

  14. Hi there, what a great fun and funky layout love the bright fun colours and the kids look like they are having a blast ! Thank you for joining us at OUAS and good luck.


  15. Mari, tu primer layout es curioso y maravilloso... que bebecito no se ha ocultado debajo de la cama je je!... Tenia una mascota que hacia lo mismo dormia debajo de la cama de nosotros ji ji!
    Elegante, con colores super bellos y detalles fabulosos.
    Tu otro layout super interesante.. quién no ha tenido unas vacaciones favoritas? a veces son mas de una pero siempre hay una que tiene un motivo especial. Gracias por compartir tu inspiración mediante estas dos páginas.
    Saludos, Sony

  16. Saludos Marilyn.
    Hermosos todos tus trabajos, bien inspiradores.
    Gracias por compartir tu talento.
    Abrazos, Myrna

  17. Awesome work Marilyn. Your pages are so full of detail and beauty. I hope you are feeling better.

  18. Both sooo amazing but your BITW/Glitz Lo is just out of this world gorgeous. The way it looks like those adorable children are lifting up the paper to reveal your photo. Just awesome!

  19. Both layouts are incredibly Lovely! Thanks so much for joining us on OUAS!

  20. Good morning Marilyn! Your layout is absolutely gorgeous!!!! So lovely details, perfect color combination, fabulous photo and great painting! Thank you so much for playing along with us at OUAS!

  21. OMG Marilyn !!!!!!! such awesomeness here .. loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee everything .. your layering is breathtaking !!!! hugz x

  22. Marilyn, these pages are just fabulous! Love all the texture and dimension and layers and fun and beautiful embellishing!

  23. Absolutely gorgeous!! Your work is amazing! Thanks for joining in the fun at Glitz Design!

  24. Both of these layouts are absolutely AMAZING!!!! I LOVE all the layers and details you added!

  25. Such beautiful pages, Marilyn!! I love all the cute vintage diecuts on the first one!! Thanks for joining us in the February Glitz Design blog challenge!!

  26. Both of these are real stunners. But that is no news here on your blog,!
    Love how you set the scene for the first one with curtains and all.Thanks for the inspiration!!

  27. wow so stunning my friend love so your fantastic layering!!!!

    take care
    hugs carla

  28. Amazing pages both of them but my fave has to be the first one - it just stole my heart the sec I set my eyes on it! adoooore the scrunching and the whimsical cuteness of all the layers and details. The colours are totally yummie too. Happy happy and sooo pretty, that's the second page. The pleated twine that goes around the photo, the fussy cutting, the layers. Beautiful work!! Mwah!

  29. Hey Marilyn, thanks you for you email. I have been trying for ages to get on here to leave some comments and to view these pages....YAY today I was able to. Beautiful work as always and the colours on your pages are always so it. Great details on you pages as well.


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