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Featured Member at The Color Combo Galore

Hola!!!  Les cuento que hace unas semanas fui invitada para ser  "Featured Member" en Color Combo Galore, y con mucha alegría acepte.   Para mi es un honor ser esta semana Featured Member y poder diseñar esta pagina con esta hermosa paleta de colores y compartir junto a su talentoso equipo de diseño.  Puedes ver el anuncio....AQUÍ
Hi!!!  I like to tell you that a few weeks ago I was invited to be the Featured Member at Color Combo Galore and with great joy I accept.   For me is an honor to be the Featured Member this week and can design this page with this beautiful color palette and share with this talented design team. You can see the announcement ....HERE.

My page....
Use diferentes lineas papeles en mi pagina como Prima, Anna Griffin y Basic Grey.  Flores y mariposas de Prima.

I used different papers' lines on my page like Prima, Anna Griffin and Basic Grey.   Flowers and Butterflies from Prima.

Some details....

Gracias por pasar por aquí y por sus lindos encanta leerlos!!!   Hasta la próxima!!  Amiguitas Cuidense Mucho !!!

Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comments...I love to read them!!
Until next time!!!  Take Care my friends!!!
With Love,


  1. I stopped by to look at your TPV layout, but had to stop in and say "How Beautiful!"

  2. Prima Mari, je je!! como siempre nos tienes acostumbradas a los espectaculares trabajos, Te felicito doblemente!
    BORICUA POWER Award for you!! ;-)


  3. Super bella Marilyn que bueno ver tus trabajos nuevamente. Me encanta toda, no hay nada que no me guste, me encanta la edición de la foto con ese frame en rojo, wow. Y la pintura por supuesto una de mis tecnicas favoritas.


  4. Muchas felicidades! Espectacular trabajo como siempre. Me encantaron las plumas, muy artístico.

  5. Amiguita toda una obra de arte, preciosa. Felicitaciones!
    Un abrazo

  6. beautiful page with lovely detials..

  7. Te las mandaste nuevamente amiga,fabulosa página!!

  8. Siempre me sorprenden tus creaciones...

  9. Te quedo precioso! muy elegante y bello!

  10. Beautiful layout, and I love those pink feathers...fantastic touch!

  11. Te mereces esa y más invitaciones porque haces trabajos divinos.


  12. CONGRATS on being featured member! Love this layout - totally beautiful! Hope things have calmed down in your life! Applied to TPV as you said so just waiting to hear. Resigned from SC - did you or are you staying on? Happy Weekend :)

  13. Your page is absolutely exquisite, Marilyn! So happy to feature you! Love your style!

  14. very gorgeous and such wonderful details!!

    hugs carla

  15. Es un trabajo muy hermoso, delicado y femenino. Me encanta!!!

  16. This is so pretty, just like you!

  17. WOW!! Stunning work Marilyn! You know I am a fan!

  18. Simplemente espectacular!!! Que bueno ahora tienes mas tiempo para deleitarnos con tus bellos trabajos! Muchas felicitacion en tu semana en CCG! Super bien merecido! Gracias por participar en The (Paper) Trail Makers!

  19. Congrats on the feature, gorgeous layout.

  20. A stunner page filled with delicious, feminine elements and details! just so thrilled to have you as this week's featured member over at CCG - CONGRATS sweetie!! Mwah!

  21. Sua página é simplesmente linda de viver !!!
    PARABÉNS por este trabalho tão lindo e muito obrigada por sua visita e seus comentários.
    Um beijo grande do Brazil


  22. Gorgeous page Marilyn!!! Congratulations again, you totally deserve the spotlight! Thank you for being such an awesome member and creating such beautiful pages to inspire so many on the site! It was my pleasure to Feature you! :D :D

  23. HUGE CONGRATULATION Marilyn !!!!!! You page is stunning many wonderful details !!
    I´m so glad to be in the same time of are such a wonderful girl..and I love to talk with you!!!!!
    I wish a wonderful weekend !!
    Kisses and huges from Brazil

  24. What a beatiful card, i became your follower
    greetings mina


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Gracias por sacar de tu tiempo y dejarme un mensaje son bien apreciados, me encantan!!!

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